
The number of things running around in my head.

NOW In Progress

Number of things I am currently Working On


Number of things I have successfully Completed, by category.

Dreams and Completed Items are Estimated and Always in Flux.

NOW NOW NOW is a project by Derek Sivers – This page was inspired by Derek’s Project. I was inspired to join in after seeing him speak in 2015 at the World Domination Summit. 

How It Works

Full details can be found on the NOW NOW NOW page. In short you create a list of what you are currently working on. Then send this link to the NOW NOW NOW page. You are then added to a list of hundreds of others  sharing what they are working on.

Why I added Dreams & Memories

I’ve participated by having a NOW page for nearly 5 years. But, for me, something was missing. So I decided to added my Dreams and Done It Sections. 

“Dreams” because we need to remember what we aspire for in life. “Memories” because we don’t give ourselves enough credit for what we accomplish. We shouldn’t live in the past. But, we can be hard on ourselves. It’s important to give ourselves credit for where we’ve been and what we’ve done. Especially when we are feeling stuck.


Projects and tasks that I am actively working on.


The items that swim around in my head. They distract me from my NOW NOW NOW list. Occasionally, they move up to my NOW NOW NOW list. But they are always worth remembering.


As I finish items from my NOW NOW NOW list, or remember other accomplishments, I add them here. I have broken them into different categories to more easily reflect on each of the areas. Items with a "#" link to more details on this accomplishment.

  1. #Created Quarantine Song & Video
  2. #Created Random French Film
  3. Recorded a Rock Album (Ryan Tracy Band)
  4. Recorded a Symphonic Album with UCONN Symphony Orchestra
  5. Wrote Music for Sold Out Musical Production
  6. Road Manager for performance Artist Brian Olsen
  7. Performend a Solo Bass Concert in 1993
  8. Wrote and Performed Solo Electic Bass Performance in 1995 before Bass was cool
  1. Performed in Europe
  2. Visited 48 out of 50 US States
    1. Alaska – Anchorage, Homer, 
  3. Korea – Seoul, DMZ, Juneau, Fairbanks, Ketchikan, Sitka, Homer, North Pole, Kodiak (Dock Only),  Skagway, Whittier, Cold foot
  4. Germany – Munich, Hamburg, Dachau 
  5. England – London
  6. Scottland – Loch Lomond, Glasgow, Stirling, 
  7. Iceland – Reykjavík
  8. Italy – Venice, Rome, Pisa, Florence
  9. Croatia – Dubrovnik
  10. England – London
  11. Germany – Bonn, Berchtesgaden, Munich, Bonn
  12. Austria – Salzberg, Innsbruck, Vienna
  13. Switzerland – Montreux
  14. Belgium – Brussels
  15. Panama – Panama Canal
  16. Colombia – Cartagena
  17. Mexico – Cancun, Acapulco, Puerto Vallarta, Puerto Peñasco, Ensenada, Cabo, Playa Del Carmen
  18. USVI – ST John, ST Thomas
  19. Spain – Barcelona, Seville, Cadíz, Montserrat
  20. Bahmas
  21. Castaway Cay
  22. The Yukon
  23. Norway – Stavanger, Oslo
  24. Sweden – Stockholm
  25. Estonia – Tallinn
  26. Russia – Saint Petersburg
  27. Denmark – Coppenhagen
  28. France – Paris, Nice
  29. Portugal – Madeira
  30. Canada – Jasper, Banff, Toronto, Lake Louise, Nova Scotia, Niagara Falls, Halifax
  31. Road a Motorcycle to the Bottom of the Grand Canyon
  32. Drove the length of
  33. Route 66
  34. Road from Colorado to Home Alaska, through the Yukon and back to Colorado
  35. Attempted to Ride a Motorcycle over 40 Mountain Passes in 40 Hours when I turned 40
  36. Crossed the Atlantic Twice, Courtesy of Disney Cruise Lines
  1. #Started Road Schooled
  2. #Completed Sophia’s Artist Website
  3. Created, Marketed and Sold 
  4. #Updated Adventure Hermit Website
  5. CEO and VP of a Company
  6. Quit being a CEO and VP of a Company
  7. Joined a Board
  1. Helped a Friend in Need
  2. Installed New Lights in the backyard
  3. On Going: Talked to my Kids about Racism, Discrimination and the Fear of the Unknown. How they are different but equally important.
  4. Got Married
  5. Helped Create Two Human Daughters
  6. Bought a Home
  7. Sold a Home
  8. Bought another Home
  9. Bought Raw Land with the intent to build
  10. Sold the Land in Step #9
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